The same Payment Schedule for Market Chinese Course applies for each of the three modules. Standard fee is Rs. 15,000/= per module. However considering the effects of the pandamic globally, we are offering Covid-Discounts. Currently instead of Rs. 15,000/= we fixed price to Rs. 12,000/= per module.

All payments will be through bank, easypaisa or jazzcash. Whatsapp at +92-312-88-12-830 – for details. After payment, send the e-payment screenshot on the same whatsapp. In response we will send you an e-receipt. And within 24 hours of receiving the course fee we send you  the complete course link, and also link to video lectures.

The payment schedule options are as follows:

Option A:
By this option, you can avail a maximum discount, that is Rs. 10,000/= per module instead of regular Rs 15,000/=. We call it as early bird discount. This only applies if you pay fee within 24 hours of your first contact with any of our representative, or attending our free Master Class.

Option B:
Electronically, pay Rs, 12,000 before starting the session in go. This is our Covid-discount in one go.

Option C:
If you want to pay in installments then you would pay Rs. 13,000/=. Breakup: First installment Rs 6,000/before the first class, and 2nd installment before the 6th class. This is our Covid-discount in installments.